Because we know your business will be enhanced with a web presence, we work closely with you to design a new web site, or redesign an existing site, that will accurately represent the quality and service of your company or special interest.

No more excuses!

We can provide you with turn-key solutions…

to get things done!

Let us put our creativity and Internet marketing to work for you to increase your competitive edge…

And achieve your web design goals!

so get ready & let’s connect…

We would love to visit with you personally, or by phone, to discuss your web presence. Your business is unique, and your web site should be unique! Let us know how we can assist you.


Harry S Truman was the 33rd President of the USA. One of his most famous quotes was: “The buck stops here”; thus our tagline: “Web design starts here.” Let ShowMeDesigns “Show You” how we can help you meet your individual business and personal web design needs. We’re available by phone or e-mail to help you: